This weeks recipes have been pretty successful, I even experimented in making up one myself!
22nd - 28th April
Easy Crispy Chicken from 'The Hairy Dieters - Dave Myers & Si King'
Another book I bought in an effort to eat healthier but also because I just love those hairy guys enthusing about food and riding around on their motorbikes. I like to think they are the modern version of the Two Fat Ladies!
mmm chicken! |
Recipe - Serves 4 (or 2 hungry people!)
4 slices of white sliced bread
4 tsp dried mixed herbs
2 tsp flaked sea salt
25g Parmesan cheese, grated
4 tbsp low-fat natural yoghurt
(I needed more like 5)
1-2 tbsp plain flour
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (
mine were really huge boobies!)
Black pepper
Preheat the oven to 200*c and grill the bread in the oven until golden.
(I skipped this and just used the toaster, apparently the oven is better as it dries the bread rather than toasting it but it worked for me.) Leave to cool then remove the crusts. Blitz the bread in a food processor into crumbs, tip them into a bowl and add the herbs, salt, cheese and season. Put the crumb mixture onto a plate, the yoghurt onto another plate and the four onto another.
Dip the chicken into the flour, then yoghurt then coat in the breadcrumbs until it is pretty thick.
(This is quite a messy bit and you end up crumbing your fingers too but it is really fun!) Put each breast onto a lined baking tray and bake in the oven for 22-25 mins
(mine took a little longer as they were really big breasts!) leave to stand for a few mins before serving.
I served mine with green beans and potato wedges which I didn't make as I had run out of potatoes. We had two each and were stuffed full, I could have happily eaten one but I was too greedy!
Sweet Potato & Cheese Frittata from 'Hamlyn 200 Low Fat Dishes'
I forgot to take a picture of this one, but it combined some of my favourite ingredients, goats cheese and sweet potato. I knew Sam would not be too in to this so I used cheddar cheese on his portion and cooked some bacon to go with it so he didn't reject the veggie option out of hand.
Recipe - serves 4 (hmm we ate this between the 2 of us for lunch!)
500g sliced potatoes
1 tsp olive oil
5 spring onions, sliced
2 tbsp fresh coriander
(I left this out as I didn't have any)
4 large eggs, beaten
100g goats cheese
(I just the milder crumbly kind as it is my favourite)
Peel and slice the sweet potato and boil for 8 mins and then drain. Heat the oil and fry the onions and potato for 2 mins. Stir the coriander into the beaten eggs and season then pour into the pan. Arrange the goats cheese on top and cook until almost set. Put under a hot grill at the end to melt the cheese in totally.
(My grill isn't working so I just cooked it on the hob and added the cheddar cheese to half and goats cheese to the other half.)
Stuffed Peppers with Goats Cheese - by me!
I wish I had made more! |
I had quite a few vegetables and other things left over from cooking this week so I decided to make something up with them myself! This is what I came up with and I absolutely loved it!
1 sweet red pepper
2-5 chestnut mushrooms
2-3 vine tomatoes
2 spring onions
Crumbly goats cheese
2 tsp green pesto
Knob of butter
Cut the red pepper in half and de-seed, then brush with oil and bake in the oven for 10 minutes around 200*c. Melt the butter in a small pan, chop up the mushrooms and fry until most of the water has come out of them. Add the chopped onions and tomatoes and stir until cooked through.
Fill the roasted pepper with the veggie mix, spoon the pesto over the top and add some crumbled goats cheese. Return to the oven for 10 minutes then serve.
I hope everyone has had a lovely week! I had a fair bit of time to cook during this second week though the same cannot be said of this week!